With one of the largest payments processing solutions available, Paymentus wanted its brand to feel as fresh and dynamic as the service it provides. Their site hosts technical guidance, whitepapers, and product info—its constant growth required a solution that was scalable while maintaining the ability to create custom layouts.
Early stages of wireframing with animation notes and planning, since the site is built within the guardrails of a specific CMS
One of the core factors of the design process was ensuring the client felt they had plenty of customization within the templates we provided. I created a background component that allowed for a wide range of choices and combinations so that each page had a customized feel.

The site covers a wide range of content, and their menu needed to host all of that while still being navigable and organized. I created this “megamenu” to sort all the information into separate categories within the larger menu options.
Custom animations and icons are also sprinkled throughout the site, strengthening both the overall branding and the feeling of movement.